Class Index
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 Knockout extensions
 ngListItem(in context of ngMenu)
Application about dialog (based on ngAboutDlg).
Dropdown dialog (based on weMessageDlg).
Dropdown list dialog (based on weMessageDlg).
Input box dialog (based on weMessageDlg).
List box dialog (based on weMessageDlg).
Input memo dialog (based on weMessageDlg).
Message box dialog (based on weMessageDlg).
Progress box dialog (based on weMessageDlg).
Wait box dialog (based on weMessageDlg).
This extends Knockout functions for viewmodel definition.
Application about dialog (based on ngMessageDlg).
Standard align panel control (based on ngPanel/ngFrame).
This class encapsulates web application.
This class implements a generic button control.
This class implements a generic calendar control.
Standard check box control (based on ngButton).
This is an abstract class for all visual controls.
This class represents references to a group of controls.
ViewModel dataset control (based on ngPageList).
ngViewModel DataSet field (based on ngFieldDef ARRAY).
ViewModel dataset control (based on ngDataSet).
ViewModel database toolbar control (based on ngToolBar).
View model form control (based on ngViewModelForm).
Standard drop down control (based on ngEdit).
Dropdown field control (based on ngDropDown).
Standard drop down list control (based on ngEdit).
Dropdown list field control (based on ngDropDownList).
This class implements a generic drop-down panel control.
This class implements a generic edit control.
Standard edit date control (based on ngEdit).
Edit date field control (based on ngEditDate).
Edit field control (based on ngEdit).
Standard edit number control with spin buttons (based on ngEdit).
Edit number field control (based on ngEditNum).
Standard edit date control (based on ngEdit).
Edit time field control (based on ngEditTime).
This class implements ViewModel field type description object.
ngViewModel Area field (based on ngFieldDef FLOAT).
ngViewModel Array field (based on ngFieldDef ARRAY).
ngViewModel Boolean field (based on ngFieldDef BOOL).
ngViewModel Byte field (based on ngFieldDef BYTE).
ngViewModel Bytes field (based on ngFieldDef FLOAT).
ngViewModel Currency field (based on ngFieldDef DECIMAL).
ngViewModel Date field (based on ngFieldDef DATE).
ngViewModel Date and time field (based on ngFieldDef DATETIME).
ngViewModel Decimal field (based on ngFieldDef DECIMAL).
ngViewModel Distance field (based on ngFieldDef FLOAT).
ngViewModel Email string field (based on ngFieldDef NVARCHAR).
ngViewModel Float field (based on ngFieldDef FLOAT).
ngViewModel Integer field (based on ngFieldDef INTEGER).
ngViewModel IP4 string field (based on ngFieldDef NVARCHAR).
ngViewModel IP6 string field (based on ngFieldDef NVARCHAR).
ngViewModel Long field (based on ngFieldDef LONG).
ngViewModel Minutes field (based on ngFieldDef FLOAT).
ngViewModel Object field (based on ngFieldDef OBJECT).
ngViewModel Phone field (based on ngFieldDef NVARCHAR).
ngViewModel Signed byte field (based on ngFieldDef SBYTE).
ngViewModel Seconds field (based on ngFieldDef FLOAT).
ngViewModel Short field (based on ngFieldDef SHORT).
ngViewModel SIUnits field (based on ngFieldDef FLOAT).
ngViewModel String field (based on ngFieldDef NVARCHAR).
ngViewModel Time field (based on ngFieldDef TIME).
ngViewModel Timestamp field (based on ngFieldDef TIMESTAMP).
ngViewModel Unsigned long field (based on ngFieldDef ULONG).
ngViewModel Unsigned short field (based on ngFieldDef USHORT).
ngViewModel UTC date field (based on ngFieldDef UTCDATE).
ngViewModel UTC date and time field (based on ngFieldDef UTCDATETIME).
ngViewModel UTC time field (based on ngFieldDef UTCTIME).
ngViewModel UTC timestamp field (based on ngFieldDef UTCTIMESTAMP).
ngViewModel WWW string field (based on ngFieldDef NVARCHAR).
This class implements ngFieldDef type exception.
Standard frame control (based on ngPanel).
This class implements a generic group control.
This class implements a generic hint control.
This class implements a generic image control.
This class implements a generic imagemap control.
This class implements a generic list control.
This class implements ngList column.
This class implements ngList item.
This class implements ngList item.
ngViewModel Lookup field (based on ngFieldDef ARRAY).
This class implements a generic memo control.
Memo field control (based on ngMemo).
Menu control (based on ngList).
Menu bar control (based on ngToolBar).
Button for menu representation in menu bar control (based on ngButton).
This class implements ngPageList control (based on component ngFrame)
This class implements a generic page control.
This class implements a generic panel control.
This class implements a generic progress bar control.
Standard radio button control (based on ngButton).
Remote Data Service based on ngRPC class.
Remote Procedure Call.
Application settings.
Button with menu dropdown (based on ngButton).
This class implements a generic split panel control.
This class realizes fast concatenation of strings.
This class implements action non-visual control.
This is an abstract class for all non-visual controls.
This class implements non-visual ngSysDBViewModel control (based on ngSysViewModel).
This class implements non-visual ngSysViewModel control (based on ngViewModel).
This class implements a generic static text control.
Simple hint text component (based on ngHint).
This class implements a generic toolbar control.
This class implements ViewModel object.
View model form control (based on ngFrame).
This class implements a web browser control.
This class implements a generic window control.
This class represents screen point.
Standard Frame control (based on ngAlignPanel (ngAlignFrame)).
Standard panel control (based on ngAlignPanel (ngAlignFrame)).
Standard button control (based on ngButton).
Standard calendar control (based on ngCalendar).
Standard check box control (based on ngCheckBox).
Standard color edit control (based on ngDropDown).
Standard color edit field control (based on stdColorEdit).
Standard dataset control (based on ngDataSet).
Standard dataset control (based on ngDBDataSet).
Standard ViewModel database toolbar control (based on ngDBToolBar).
View model form control (based on ngDBViewModelForm).
Standard dialog control (based on ngWindow).
Standard drop down control (based on ngDropDown).
Standard drop down field control (based on ngDropDownField).
Standard drop down list control (based on ngDropDownList).
Standard drop down list field control (based on ngDropDownListField).
Drop-down panel control (based on ngDropPanel).
Standard edit control (based on ngEdit).
Standard edit control with elipsis button (based on stdEdit).
Standard edit field control with elipsis button (based on stdEditBoxBtn).
Standard edit date control (based on ngEditDate).
Standard edit date field control (based on ngEditDate).
Standard drop down control (based on ngEditField).
Standard edit number control with spin buttons (based on ngEditNum).
Standard drop down field control (based on ngEditNumField).
Standard edit date control (based on ngEditTime).
Standard edit date field control (based on ngEditTime).
Standard button control (based on ngButton).
Standard frame control (based on ngFrame).
Standard group control (based on ngGroup).
Standard hint control (based on ngHint).
Standard image control (based on ngImage).
Standard label control (based on ngButton).
Standard link control (based on ngButton).
Standard list control (based on ngList).
Standard memo control (based on ngMemo).
Standard memo field control (based on ngMemoField).
Standard menu control (based on ngMenu).
Standard menu bar control (based on ngMenuBar).
Standard menu bar button control (based on ngMenuBarButton).
Standard message box dialog (based on ngMessageDlg).
Standard list control (based on ngPageList).
Standard pages control (based on ngPages).
Standard panel control (based on ngPanel).
Standard progress bar control (based on ngProgressBar).
Standard progress dot control (based on ngText).
Standard radio button control (based on ngRadioButton).
Standard search box control (based on stdEdit).
Standard search box field control (based on stdSearchBox).
Button with menu control (based on ngSplitButton).
Standard split panel control (based on ngSplitPanel).
Standard text control (based on ngText).
Standard hint text control (based on ngTextHint).
Standard toolbar control (based on ngToolBar).
View model form control (based on ngViewModelForm).
Standard web browser control (based on ngWebBrowser).
Standard window control (based on ngWindow).