How to create a new project
If you are using NetBeans IDE go to NetBeans IDE instructions.
Install Controls.js
To create a new project manualy you will need Controls.js files and templates. Both are included in Open Source Package or Commercial Software Package.
Before you start to create a new project get the suitable package and unzip it into your work folder.
Create a new project
- Open "templates/" folder in unziped Controls.js package folder.
- Choose one from the provided templates and copy that template folder to your work folder.
Be careful that you copy the folder without moving it. - Rename copied folder to your project name and open renamed folder.
- Replace files in project's "controls/" folder with files from "build/release/{version}/" folder in unziped Controls.js package folder.
- Open main.js in your favorite text editor/IDE.
- Start coding your project (procedure ngMain is the application's starting point).