$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 Save, ngSettings
 Scan, ngList
 ScanPageItems, ngPageList
 ScanValues, ngViewModel
 ScanVisible, ngList
 ScanVisiblePageItems, ngPageList
 ScrollBars, ngControl
 SelCount, ngList
 SelectDate, ngCalendar
 SelectedDates, ngCalendar
 SelectFrom, ngCalendar
 SelectItem, ngList
 SelectTo, ngCalendar
 sendRequest, ngRPC
 Serialize, ngFieldDef
 ServerURL, ngViewModel
 Set, ngSettings
 SetAttribute, ngFieldDef
 SetBounds, ngControl
 SetClientParam, ngApplication
 SetDropDownControl, ngEdit
 SetFieldValueByID, ngViewModel
 SetFocus, ngControl
 SetHTML, ngWebBrowser
 SetItemEnabled, ngList
 SetItemFocus, ngList
 SetItems, ngList
 SetItemVisible, ngList
 SetLength, ngPageList
 SetNamespace, ngViewModel
 SetNum, ngEditNum
 SetOpacity, ngControl
 SetPageByControl, ngPages
 SetPagingType, ngPageList
 SetParamEncodingFnc, ngApplication
 SetParamType, ngApplication
 SetPopup, ngControl
 SetPosition, ngProgressBar
 SetScrollBars, ngControl
 SetSelected, ngCalendar
 SetServerParam, ngApplication
 SetSize, ngSplitPanel
 SetTitle, ngApplication
 SetURL, ngWebBrowser
 SetURLParam, ngApplication
 SetValues, ngViewModel
 SetViewModel, ngViewModel
 SetVisible, ngControl
 Shapes, ngImageMap
 Show, ngWindow
 ShowCheckboxes, ngList
 ShowErrors, ngViewModel
 ShowHeader, ngList
 ShowLoading, ngPageList
 ShowSubMenu, ngMenu
 Sizeable, ngWindow
 Smooth, ngProgressBar
 Sort, ngList
 SortCaseSensitive, ngList
 SortColumn, ngList
 SortDir, ngList
 SplitButton, ngSplitButton
 StartParams, ngApplication
 Step, ngEditNum
 StepRound, ngEditNum
 StorageExpires, ngSettings
 StorageURL, ngSettings
 string, ngRPC
 String functions
 style, ngControl
 SubMenu, ngListItem(in context of ngMenu)
 SubMenuDef, ngMenu
 SubMenuOverlapX, ngMenu
 SubMenuOverlapY, ngMenu
 Suggestion, ngEdit
 SuggestionDelay, ngEdit
 SuggestionIgnoreCase, ngEdit
 SuggestionPartial, ngEdit
 SuggestionRefresh, ngEdit
 SuggestionSearchColumn, ngEdit
 SuggestionType, ngEdit
 SuggestionURL, ngEdit
Saves settings into cookies.
Recursive scan items in list.
Recursive scan items on current page.
Scans all ViewModel values.
Recursive scan only visible items in list.
Recursive scan visible items on current page..
This class represents screen point.
Invokes search.
Invokes search.
c.Search = function(t)
Invokes search.
Adds/removes date to/from selection/
Adds item to selection.
Sends request to the server.
Exports (and converts) given value from ViewModel.
ViewModel’s server script URL.
Sets setting.
Sets field attribute.
Updates or sets position of the control.
Sets caret position.
Sets caret position.
Sets application client parameter value.
Sets client rectangle dimensions.
Sets client rectangle dimensions.
Sets client rectangle dimensions.
Sets client rectangle dimensions.
c.SetDate = function(d)
Sets edited date.
c.SetDate = function(d)
Sets edited date.
Assigns drop down control to edit box.
Sets enabled state of the control.
Sets enabled state of the control.
Sets ViewModel value based on property ID.
Sets focus on the control.
Sets HTML code directly into browser.
Sets (visual) invalid state of control.
Sets (visual) invalid state of control.
Sets (visual) invalid state of control.
Sets (visual) invalid state of control.
Sets (visual) invalid state of control.
Sets (visual) invalid state of control.
Sets (visual) invalid state of control.
Sets (visual) invalid state of control.
Sets (visual) invalid state of control.
Sets (visual) invalid state of control.
Sets (visual) invalid state of control.
Sets (visual) invalid state of control.
Sets (visual) invalid state of control.
Sets enabled state of the item.
Sets focus to specified item.
Sets list items.
Sets item visibility.
Sets number of items in list.
Sets ViewModel namespace.
c.SetNum = function(n)
Sets number.
Sets control opacity.
Sets current page.
Sets current page index.
Sets page by control placed on page.
Sets visible paging elements.
Sets application parameter value (and optionaly its type).
Sets request parameter.
Sets application parameter encoding and decoding functions.
Sets application parameter type.
Sets if control work as popup.
Sets position of progress in interval 0-100.
Sets readonly state of control.
Sets readonly state of control.
Sets scroll bars apperance.
Sets selected dates from array.
Sets application server parameter value.
Changes size of split panel.
Sets new button text.
Sets edit text.
Sets memo text.
Sets new button text.
Sets new text content.
Sets hint text.
Sets window caption.
Sets application title.
Sets browser URL.
Sets application URL parameter value.
Sets values to ViewModel.
Sets ViewModel modification.
Sets control visibility.
Makes a window visible.
Displays ViewModel errors.
Shows default loading control, if available.
Shows item submenu.
Field size.
Performs a sort on the list.
Determines that button is a split button (for detection).
Standard Frame control (based on ngAlignPanel (ngAlignFrame)).
Standard panel control (based on ngAlignPanel (ngAlignFrame)).
Standard button control (based on ngButton).
Standard calendar control (based on ngCalendar).
Standard check box control (based on ngCheckBox).
Standard color edit control (based on ngDropDown).
Standard color edit field control (based on stdColorEdit).
Standard dataset control (based on ngDataSet).
Standard dataset control (based on ngDBDataSet).
Standard ViewModel database toolbar control (based on ngDBToolBar).
View model form control (based on ngDBViewModelForm).
Standard dialog control (based on ngWindow).
Standard drop down control (based on ngDropDown).
Standard drop down field control (based on ngDropDownField).
Standard drop down list control (based on ngDropDownList).
Standard drop down list field control (based on ngDropDownListField).
Drop-down panel control (based on ngDropPanel).
Standard edit control (based on ngEdit).
Standard edit control with elipsis button (based on stdEdit).
Standard edit field control with elipsis button (based on stdEditBoxBtn).
Standard edit date control (based on ngEditDate).
Standard edit date field control (based on ngEditDate).
Standard drop down control (based on ngEditField).
Standard edit number control with spin buttons (based on ngEditNum).
Standard drop down field control (based on ngEditNumField).
Standard edit date control (based on ngEditTime).
Standard edit date field control (based on ngEditTime).
Standard button control (based on ngButton).
Standard frame control (based on ngFrame).
Standard group control (based on ngGroup).
Standard hint control (based on ngHint).
Standard image control (based on ngImage).
Standard label control (based on ngButton).
Standard link control (based on ngButton).
Standard list control (based on ngList).
Standard memo control (based on ngMemo).
Standard memo field control (based on ngMemoField).
Standard menu control (based on ngMenu).
Standard menu bar control (based on ngMenuBar).
Standard menu bar button control (based on ngMenuBarButton).
Standard message box dialog (based on ngMessageDlg).
Standard list control (based on ngPageList).
Standard pages control (based on ngPages).
Standard panel control (based on ngPanel).
Standard progress bar control (based on ngProgressBar).
Standard progress dot control (based on ngText).
Standard radio button control (based on ngRadioButton).
Standard search box control (based on stdEdit).
Standard search box field control (based on stdSearchBox).
Button with menu control (based on ngSplitButton).
Standard split panel control (based on ngSplitPanel).
Standard text control (based on ngText).
Standard hint text control (based on ngTextHint).
Standard toolbar control (based on ngToolBar).
View model form control (based on ngViewModelForm).
Standard web browser control (based on ngWebBrowser).
Standard window control (based on ngWindow).
Storage cookies expiration time (in seconds).
URL where settings are saved.
Default value: ’’ (autodetect)
References to sub menu ngMenu control.
Specifies definition which is used in case of submenu creation.
Specifies how much submenu overlaps menu in horizontal in pixels.
Specifies how much submenu overlaps menu in vertical in pixels.
Refreshes suggestion content.